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life after an egg and a sperm met...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Pregnancy 101

Pregnancy facts: the end of your pregnancy, your blood volume will have increased by 30 to 50 % the time you deliver your baby, your uterus will have expanded to about 1,000 times its original size the 16th week of your pregnancy, your lungs are inhaling and exhaling up to 30 percent to 40 percent more air than they did before
....that when your uterus becomes too big to fit within your pelvis and your internal organs are shifted, your center of gravity changes the time your baby is born, the distance around your rib cage will have expanded by 2 to 3 inches
....over the course of your pregnancy, your breasts will account for about 1 to 3 pounds of the weight you gain
....your cervical opening will stretch from zero to 10 centimeters in diameter so you can push your baby out (oh knee feels weak now)



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